Welcome - About Us

欢迎 - 关于我们


Modus Internet是完整堆栈网站 开发组织已经在世界各地设计,开发,部署和支持多语言网站20多年。

位于不列颠哥伦比亚省的高贵林港(距离加拿大温哥华市区30分钟)。 我们建立和维护了国际知名品牌,通过我们免费分发的内容管理系统提供了第一流的托管和多语言解决方案,Custodian CMS,自1995年以来。

Modus Internet and Custodian CMS founder, Vincent Hallberg首席执行官寄语
互联网是一个广阔而复杂的虚拟环境。构建安全、现代、响应迅速且以内容为驱动的网站需要接触到具有多年多领域经验的人士。Modus Internet的成员和合作伙伴拥有帮助您实现目标的知识和经验,并将尽一切努力确保您的项目成功。网站设计、数据库集成、定制编程、搜索引擎优化(SEO)或简单咨询,在Modus Internet,一切皆有可能。

Vincent Hallberg (2009)
Modus Internet 和 Custodian CMS 创始人

网站 - 设计

We love to talk shop, there is no better way for us to get to know your business needs. However, often when it comes to design, most clients don't know either what they want or what their options are. This isn't their fault because much like our CEO stated above; The Internet is a vast and complex virtual environment. With so many options and no real experience most clients we deal with look to us, not just for website construction and hosting, but as a partner.

To help our clients through the design stage we often refer to existing template examples which can be found on either wrapbootstrap.com or templatemonster.com. No matter what you need, Photoshop, Illustrator, Photography, SVG, Logos, we got your back.

NOTE: Everything we design is done with consideration for multilingualization and bi-directional character sets.


网站 - 开发

These days, when it comes to website development you have a lot of options. Once we understand the scope of your project we have a vast array of experience in multiple fields that we can tap from to meet your needs.

We are most proud of our ability to construct multilingual sites which can be written in any language (even bi-directional) thanks to our opensource project Custodian CMS. This aspect of our skill set is unique, you can't get from any other product (Drupal, Joomla, Wordpress) unless your willing to pay a premium for a custom solution that will take 3x longer to develop, test and deploy. You need a responsive website, able to render properly in any media type, at different scales, optimized in every conceivable way and ranks well on Google Pagespeed, so look no further.

We know the best tools for each part of your site and we have the skills to blend them together into a single, cohesive brand, that looks good, works well and speaks your customer's language.


网站 - 托管/部署

If you have your own email and website hosting services already in place thats great, so long as that provider runs a L.A.M.P. configuration, which 98% do, we're good to go.

If you are still looking for somewhere to host your site, we can help. We run our own servers on a Rackspace VM, centrally located in Chicago, Illinois, in a maxed out configuration. We distribute static content to CDN networks like Amazon Web Services and Cloudflare.com. We pull static resources from cdnjs.com, fastcdn.org, jsdelivr.com, and maxcdn.com. DNS services on domainpeople.com, godaddy.com, namecheap.com, networksolutions.com, and 123-reg.co.uk. Email with GoDaddy, Gmail, Hotmail and mail.com.



We take the support and security of our customers' websites very seriously. For this reason, there are certain software packages we simply don't allow on our servers. If something doesn't need to be enabled we shut it down, if we are not comfortable with the security of a product we simply won't permit it to be installed.

Our helpdesk is available from 8:30 AM/PDT to 6:30 PM/PDT, Monday to Friday but our customers can reach our emergency support desk 24/7. The security of our servers is proactively maintained daily by our knowledgeable system administrators and multiple automated intrusion, anti-virus, and brute force detection software.


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