modusinternet.com 网站上的许多照片和图片都通过 知识共享 以各种形式向公众开放。我们感谢这些艺术家与我们分享他们美丽的照片和才华。以下是我们目前在网站上使用的图片,并感谢他们的贡献者。
Part of the Modus Internet logo design was provided by all-free-download.com Licensing details are available on their site.
These amazing SVG graphics come from www.flaticon.com and were distributed under the following license: CC 4.0 BY. The only changes made to these images were in the process of converting them from SVG files to static png images.
The following images where taken by Vincent Hallberg of Modus Internet and are distributed under the following license: CC 4.0 BY.